Does The Animated Spawn Series Have Rape References
Spawn is a 1997 American superhero flick based on the Image Comics character of the aforementioned name. Directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé, the film stars Michael Jai White in the title role, aslope John Leguizamo, Martin Sheen, Theresa Randle, D. B. Sweeney, and Nicol Williamson in his last film role.
Black Ops operative Al Simmons (Michael Jai White) is betrayed on his last chore before retirement by his boss Jason Wynn (Martin Sheen). The life he lived has him sent straight to Hell, where he makes a deal with its primary Malebolgia (Frank Welker) to return to the land of the living to see his family again. Yet, his side of the bargain involves him becoming Spawn, the leader for the eventual Armageddon, overseen past the demonic Clown (John Leguizamo). As Simmons adjusts to his resurrection while taking revenge on Wynn, he starts questioning his role in the machinations of Hell, and ultimately rebels.
A reboot is currently in product, with Jamie Foxx starring in the titular part.
This moving picture provides examples of:
- Abusive Parents: Zack's father almost beats him for coughing back up the food he found in the dumpster considering it was rotten. Spawn stops him before he could land a hit on the kid.
- Histrion Innuendo: "...kickstart the Apocalypse Now!", said to Martin Sheen.
- Adapted Out: In the comics, Al Simmons was killed by Chapel, a graphic symbol from Rob Liefeld's Youngblood series. Rights problems fabricated it incommunicable for Chapel to appear in the moving-picture show, then the character Jessica Priest was created as a replacement. McFarlane ended up replacing Chapel and inserting Priest into the comics.
- Adaptation Distillation: Besides cutting out the connections to the other Epitome Comics because that would have too long to explain, the movie cuts out a lot of pointless supporting villains and makes information technology all most Simmons versus Wynn, and gets rid of all the mystery surrounding Simmons and explains his history right abroad.
- Bad People Abuse Animals: While it may veer into What Measure Is a Non-Beautiful?, it says a lot about Wynn that he uses his pet scorpions' terrarium as an ashtray. He doesn't actually extinguish his cigar on any of the scorpions, but the implication is obvious.
- Badass Biker: Spawn rides a bike, even though he really doesn't need to.
- Big Bad: Malebolgia, while Clown aka Violator serves as The Heavy.
- Big "NO!": Spawn gives one out afterwards finding his locket, combined with Dramatic Thunder.
- Blade Beneath the Shoulder: Cogliostro can plough his arm into a glowing sword.
- The Cameo: The policemen arresting Wynn are supporting characters Sam and Twitch, who got their own spinoff book. In the party scene, eagle-eyed viewers tin can also spot Angela (in her iconic green dress and spawn earrings) equally ane of the party guests.
- Catechism Immigrant: Created to replace Chapel was Al'southward murderer, Jessica Priest was incorporated into the comics in Spawn #61 in the lead-upwards to the film — and Rob Liefeld getting kicked out of Image.
- Automobile Fu: Clown drives a truck into Spawn, who protects himself with his cape.
- Children Are Innocent: Spawn runs into his human daughter Cyan after secretly observing a lecture given by his onetime fiancé Wanda. The petty girl isn't afraid of the imposing figure and innocently notes his weird (burned and scarred) confront earlier exchanging names.
- Cult Soundtrack: The soundtrack paired stone bands with electronica groups (Filter and The Crystal Method, Butthole Surfers and Moby, Korn and The Dust Brothers, etc.) and remained on the Billboard charts for 6 months, arguably having a longer appeal than the motion picture itself.
- Expressionless Man'southward Switch: CIA director Jason Wynn had a device installed near his heart that, if his heart ever stopped, would send a signal out to an automated system designed to release a devastating virus all over the earth. Oddly, even the "normal" members of the CIA are shown thinking that this was a practiced idea ("At present, no i will dare impale y'all, sir!). Information technology apparently never occurred to anyone to remember about what would happen if he got into a car crash or had a heart attack.
- Deal with the Devil: Al's bargain with Malebolgia.
- Devil, but No God: The picture centers around a character who's been to Hell and several demons, nonetheless no angels or indicators of heaven appear in the picture show autonomously from ane grapheme lamenting that God gets all the capable dead. During this Spawn never discusses or fifty-fifty considers the possibility of trying the other side. While Spawn was sent to Hell, continue in heed it was penalization for murdering innocents and being an abusive husband, so he brought it on himself.
- Disappointed in You: Wynn calls Al a disappointment for having a conscience as a professional killer.
- Dual Wielding: Priest saves Wynn from Spawn at the final second by opening burn down on him with two automatic rifles.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: "Loved" may (or may not) be overstating, but Wynn is actually saddened when Priest's body is wheeled away subsequently she's killed past Spawn.
- Forced to Watch: Later Clown's plan is foiled in the climax, he prepares to rape Wanda in front of a beaten Spawn and forces him to lookout man. Cogliostro intervenes to prevent this, prompting Clown to retreat to Hell.
- Gasshole: Clown.
(imitating Clarence) Uh, well, well, every time somebody farts, uh, a demon gets his wings! (farts twice) Oops! Twins!
(farts) Oops! A wet one! I hope I didn't stain my underwear...Await at that, skid marks.
- Give My Regards in the Adjacent World: Spawn says to Violator, simply after decapitating him, "Give my regards to your boss. Tell him he's next."
- Groin Attack: Defied. Jessica Priest attempts a groin attack on Spawn, but his skull-shaped belt buckle stretches out and bites her leg hard
- Guns Akimbo: Priest fights Spawn with a machine gun in each paw. Spawn and then switches to this earlier killing her and fighting the police.
- Guns Are Worthless: Violator simply shrugs off bullets that Spawn fires at him. Cogliostro points this out later on on, even maxim "guns are useless", and shows Spawn how to use his own powers properly.
- Healing Factor: Spawn got the power to heal wounds as role of his deal with Hell. He notes this with satisfaction when Jessica pumps him full of lead.
Spawn: Damn...
- Hero Stole My Bike: Spawn rides off on a bike as the owner runs out of a bar angrily after him.
- I Love the Smell of X in the Morning:
Clown: I honey the odour of burning cobblestone in the morning time.
- Informed Attribute: According to Wynn, Al is a certifiable psychopath. Despite this, he's disturbed when he finds out that he killed innocent civilians when he blew up the airplane, which led to his retirement and subsequent death.
- Invisibility Cloak: Spawn's reddish cape is shown existence capable of rendering him invisible. He then makes the fault of turning it off while the cops are nonetheless looking for him, so recommence gunfight.
- Kick the Dog: Clown literally applies this trope when he attempts to swallow Spawn's domestic dog Spaz to go one back at him.
- Knighting: Clown does a comical, hellish version of this when Spawn gets his armor, striking him on the shoulders with a shovel and proclaiming:
Clown: In the name of the people and things of Hell, I dub thee... Spawn, general of Hell's armies. Arise, Your Crispness! Ascend, Duke of Deep-Fried! Sultan of Sizzling! Emir of Ooey-Gooey!
- Large Ham: Clown, who could give Jack Nicholson's Joker a run for hammiest Monster Clown e'er.
- Lighter and Softer: It'south much less grim than the comic and its blithe adaptation, completely lacking in blood and gore (even in the R-rated cut) and the more horrific imagery associated with Hell in the comics downplayed, Al's domestic abuse of Wanda is omitted, and while the Clown always had a warped sense of sense of humor in the source fabric, he mostly ends up serving equally the Plucky Comic Relief all the mode through.
- Load-Bearing Dominate: Jason Wynn sets himself up as the ultimate load-begetting boss: He attaches a heart-rate sensor to himself, which will set off dozens of virus-bombs all over the world in the issue of his expiry to deter assassinations (though how a would-be killer is supposed to know this alee of time is anyone's guess). Spawn uses his nifty magic powers to just pull the sensor out of his body before turning him over to the cops.
- Monster Clown: Clown, much to his chagrin. His real class is actually a towering, emaciated demon called Violator, but Malebolgia patently didn't requite him any options what his "human" disguise would look like.
Clown: The master and I are going to have words. He knows I hate clowns. God, I hate them. I hate them all. I hate Bozo, Ronald, Chuckles with their freakin' impaired noses and their lousy political party hats!
- Morality Pet:
- Zack, the homeless kid whom Al befriends after his resurrection.
- Cyan is this to Spawn as well. Jason invokes this to keep Spawn from killing him and setting off Heat-sixteen.
Jason: IF Y'all Impale ME, YOU'LL Impale HER!!!
- My God, What Accept I Done?: Spawn pretty much says this when seeing the locket with the film of him and Wanda.
- Mythology Gag: The Smiley Face badge on Clown's jacket mirrors the viewing galleries of a mud-wrestling establishment where Spawn murders a drug-dealer in cold blood early in the comics. The symbolism really kicks in when you realize that this killing was one of the kickoff that showed Spawn that the world is non equally unproblematic as he initially believed and that letting his anger command him blinded him to the truth.
- Neck Snap: Al does this to a N Korean guard during his terminal mission.
- No, You:
Simmons: Yous touch [Wanda], and y'all're a dead man!
Wynn: You lot're the expressionless man. *sets Simmons on fire* See you in hell, Al!
- One-Winged Angel: Clown's Violator-form.
Clown: No more than clowning effectually. I'm not the Vindicator, or the Victimizer, or the Vaporizer or the Vibrator! I'm... THE VIOLATOR!
- Pretender Diss: Clown isn't impressed by iii moronic Satanists.
Clown: How come up God hogs upwards all the good followers, and we get all the retards?
- Pretty Little Headshots: Spawn kills Jessica this style with simply a single bullet.
- Protagonist Title
- Psycho for Hire: Jessica Priest is an even darker assassinator than Al Simmons. She seems to be in it mainly for the joy of hurting people, as Simmons balks at how she always leaves a huge bodycount of innocent bystanders on her missions. Later, she sadistically burns Simmons to decease on Wynn's orders. Clown/Violator is also this to Malebolgia as he'due south a blood-thirsty and sadistic demon with a sick dear for carnage and mass murderers ("I always say destroy the cosmos enquire questions later").
- Race Lift: Terry is at present a Caucasian.
Todd McFarlane has gone on record as saying that this was done by the studio to avoid having too many black leads. They were worried that would create a perception the film was aimed at just a black target audience. Information technology was also said that, with white villains, they didn't want to look racist.
- Ruby Eyes, Accept Warning: Spawn's eyes usually glow greenish. They blaze red just as he's nigh to kill someone. The Violator also has a pair of these in his true demonic form.
- Retirony: Al Simmons goes on one last mission earlier he tin retire with his wife to start a family. Burned to death.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Averted and then Invoked. Afterwards Al realizes that he's been dead for five years, he lets out a primal scream. Clown so says "Aww, c'mon! You scream similar a petty daughter! Scream similar a man! Hither, like this!" and so lets out a very shrill, high-pitched, feminine shriek.
- See You in Hell: As Wynn burns Simmons alive for trying to quit the bureau, he proclaims that he'll see him in Hell.
- Shout-Out:
- Clown spews out lot of references to popular culture, which include ER and The Sorcerer of Oz.
- In an allusion to Apocalypse Now, Clown mentions that he loves the smell of burning asphalt in the morning, plus the obvious — while looking directly at Wynn, played by Martin Sheen — "kickstart the Apocalypse now!"
- "Encounter yous in Hell, Jason!"
- In another scene Clown introduces himself past proverb "Here'due south Clowny!"
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Clown, played with scenery-chewing gusto past John Leguizamo.
- Stock "Yuck!": Clown hates anchovies on his maggot-infested pizza.
- Super Window Jump: Done by Spawn, his costume and cape acting as armor and being undead and thus unharmed fifty-fifty by bullets.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Clown/Violator hates "weekend satanists".
Clown: How come up God always choice up the good followers and we're left with all the retards !?
- Synthetic Plague: Heat-xvi. According to Wynn, it "Makes the Ebola virus wait like a pare-rash!" and he intends to apply information technology to conquer World, while Hell means to wipe out Globe with it.
- Tastes Like Chicken: This is paired with Yous Sense of taste Delicious equally Clown/Violator licks Wanda'southward face.
- Tested on Humans: Wynn, on Clown's orders, blows upwardly a North Korean chemical institute to see how its experimental toxins volition touch on the nearby inhabitants. Several diseases that had been wiped out suddenly re-emerge in the world population.
- Transformation Sequence / Growing Muscles Sequence: Clown turning himself into the Violator.
- [Verb] This!:
- "Swallow THIS!"
- Also, "Bite THIS"
- Villainous Breakdown: Upset that Malebolgia chose Spawn to lead the armies of the damned instead of him, Violator throws a hissy fit, whining that it isn't fair. He catches himself in the middle of his rant, realizing that his whining really isn't making him look any better in front of his boss. This growing frustration with this apparent snub, his ain hatred of the Clown guise, and Spawn'southward abiding refusal to cooperate eventually drives Violator to ditch all subtlety and but beat Spawn into submission with his true power.
- Wall Crawl: While trying to escape from the cops, Spawn does the Spider-Human routine on the side of a edifice when he finds that his hand can turn into a sucker.
- You Taste Delicious: Clown in his Violator-form licks Wanda'south confront with his demon tongue, exclaiming that she Tastes Like Chicken.
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